Monthly Archives: May 2007



Andrew is potty trained, for the most part. Doing #1 is no problem….he rushes to lift the lid, flush, close the lid and wash his hands. However, performing #2 on the potty is still a struggle. Pediatricians, midwives, mothers, advice-givers all say pretty much the same thing – that it’s scary to see a “part of themselves” go down through the hole in the toilet. Oh well……we’ll keep trying. We’ve done all we can to intice him -candy, choo choo trains, stickers, trips to ChuckeCheese, etc. Nothing is working. Prayer is more powerful so I’ll stick to that.

Luke has been curiously watching his older brother use the potty so he has become quite interested in doing #1 by himself. Tonight, he let us know that it was his turn. I caught it on camera. He wasn’t successful but it was cute and we’re gonna encourage him to keep trying, even though he’s only 18 months old. Don’t you appreciate the vibrant color I caught on film???….sorry!

Mom & Norma visit

My mother and her sister, my Aunt Norma, are here for a two day visit. Mom lives a little over two hours away so I love getting the chance to see her and have her spend time with her grandsons. Aunt Norma lives in Los Angeles, CA, so I don’t get to see her as often as I’d like….this is a treat! Here, they are enjoying looking through Andrew’s “first year” scrapbook together.

Baby shower


The ladies of our church gave me a baby shower Thursday night. It was great to gather and have fun eating and chatting together. We played a few games and had encouraging conversation. My mother-in-law, Cheryl, and sister-in-law, Valerie (and neice, Ella), joined me in the fun of opening gifts and seeing all that God gave to Abigail to start her “life” journey.

Pictures to Post

Just took a few pictures over the past few days and wanted to share…

I know what you’re thinking…she’s about to pop! Believe me, I’ve heard it enough already- from friends and strangers alike. Yesterday, after a stranger made mention of how large I was, I said, “Oh, I’m not pregnant.” You should have seen the look of shock on her face. Priceless! I just couldn’t resist. Yes, of course I told her that I was indeed with child (but I still wanted to slap her).

Like loves eating the blue bubble gum flavored ice pops. I wish he understood that it falls off the stick if you only bite it on one side. He’s learning.

Andrew is a ham for the camera. Just after sitting next to his brother, he said, “Mom, take a picture of how cute we are, please.”

Is this picture appropriate for the Internet? Luke likes to lay on his tummy and pretend to swim when taking a bath.

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