Monthly Archives: November 2005

5:00 a.m., toys, & midwife visit


How unusual that my day started at 5:00 a.m…..has your child ever had one of those loud battery operated annoying toys that has no ON/OFF switch? Andrew does. It rained REALLY hard last night with much thundering, lightening, etc. Suddenly, at 5:00 a.m. I hear a familiar sound: “I’m ready to race! Ready, Set, Go!”

Thinking to self: “Huh? Is that Andrew’s little riding ATV I hear? Isn’t it outside on the porch? Why is it in my dream? I mean, that has nothing to do with what I’m dreaming about…weird. Oh well, back to sleep.

“I’m ready to race! Ready, Set, Go!”
What? There it is again! I’m not dreaming… there someone trying to break into our apartment from the porch? Did a cat jump up on the ATV? I better look outside and then wake Mitch.”

I’m ready to race! Ready, Set, Go!”
Mitch! Mitch! Andrew’s ATV is stuck in race-mode on the porch. I think the rain has gotten into the battery area. I hope it’s not waking up the entire apartment building!”.

So, just imagine Mitch and I in our pajamas at 5:00 a.m. on our front porch trying to keep the stupid ATV quiet so it doesn’t wake Andrew or bother the rest of the tenants. I’m scurrying around in the dark trying to locate the toolbox & electric screwdriver so Mitch can take the batteries out (apparently the manufacturer decided against installing an ON/OFF switch) while he’s covering up the speaker on the ATV with his palm & mumbling something under his breath.

Fortunately, we both climbed back into bed, thankful Andrew was still fast asleep & that no one was knocking on our door to tell us to call off the races. Oh, & we laughed about it, too….later. Oh, me and my quiet-apartment-living self-righteousness…..God sure showed me!

By the way, another routine visit to the midwife today….Luke already weighs a good 7 pounds & is still showing no signs of coming early. I go back next Tuesday for another routine checkup.

Thanksgiving week & no Internet


I can’t believe that I’ve gone five days without typing a new post. I was waiting to download my pictures from my digital camera upon our return home from Mom’s house, but, once we arrived, we realized our Internet service was down. Oh well…better late than never.

We really enjoyed our time in Thomasville with my family, especially since we knew it was gonna be our last little “get-a-way” for a while. We ate lots of food with my mother, sister and her family, and my brother. We missed not being able to celebrate with Mitch’s family but we thought we’d better make the trip to Thomasville while we could (I’ll probably have a house full of family in about three weeks anyway). I’ve inserted a few pictures of our time there. I was also able to visit with my two best friends from high school, Dawn and Claire, who were also in town for the holidays.

Mitch went to Lowe’s last night to purchase a 7 foot artificial tree so we could get something festive put up before Luke arrived. I’d hate not to have a tree up and decorated when he decides to make his appearance! We haven’t taken it out of the box yet but it’s on my TO DO list for this week as well as trying to find our boxes marked “Christmas” that I assume are in the mini-storage room.

I visit the midwife on Tuesday……I’ll keep you updated on any progress.

I was cleared!


Courtney, my midwife, cleared me to travel to south Georgia to visit family for Thanksgiving! Yeah! I am currently only 1 cm dilated and Luke’s head is high so I’m probably in this for another four weeks. I was sort of disappointed that more progression hadn’t been made, simply because I’m so uncomfortable and in great pain when walking, but I want Luke to be as healthy as can be….so I’m gonna try not to complain. I’m actually at my mother’s house while I type this and it’s so good to be around family and get a small break from responsibility.

To Be or Not To Be?


Tomorrow is important…..will my midwife clear me for Thanksgiving travel? Mitch seems to think she won’t but I think she will. If I win the disagreement, then Mitch has to buy me a professional massage. If he wins…well, then….he still has to buy me a professional massage since I will obviously have progressed too far to make a 2.5 hour car journey. I will keep you updated. I hope she tells me that I can go but that I’m to come back to see immediately when I return so we can think about a timetable to have this baby!

New haircut


I got a haircut today. I’m not all that wild about it but I’ll learn to play with it and figure out how I like to style it. The girl that cut it looked and dressed like she sold cosmetics at the MAC counter in the mall. She was sweet but all decked out in black with dark eyes, dark lips, and jet black hair. It made for good conversation and I’m sure she thought this pregnant white girl was a little strange, too. Of course, the weirder the hair-dresser looks/seems, the better haircut I walk away with! HA!

I told Mitch a few weeks ago that I was gonna let my hair grow out but I’ve finally admitted to myself that the longer my hair gets the thinner and trasher it looks…so, I’ve not labeled it a “Mama-cut” just yet but it does seem that my hair keeps getting shorter as the years (babies) go by. I hadn’t had a haircut since this past May so my split ends were thanking me. I’m sure that once Luke arrives that the time between now and my next cut will probably be even longer.

Picture Day!


I was camera-happy today and snapped pictures everywhere we went. Andrew was in his first school program this morning and did wonderfully. I was so proud that you can hear me crying on the videotape! Out of all six one-year olds in his class, only four cried – Andrew just sat staring at his crying friends and sang while he shook his tamborine (the other child decided she would lay down and sing). Some were dressed as Indians but Andrew decided to be a pilgrim so he could sport off his hand-designed pilgrim hat. Of course, as the program progressed he was tiring of the pilgrim costume and simply wanted to go home; that’s when I handed him to Mitch. Because we couldn’t calm Andrew, Mitch decided he would join in the distress and make a “sad-face” of his own. My boys are cute, huh? Later tonight we journeyed to Books-A-Million where Andrew always plays hard while we TRY to relax and thumb through a few pages. This mother says, “Kudos to the management for the ever-faithful THOMAS the TANK ENGINE play area!”.

When the cat is away, the mice will play….


So, I came home today from an outing to find that the two men in my life (soon to be three) hijacked my blog. Of course, I must say that the below pictures they posted are the cutest I’ve ever seen so I didn’t mind that they disobeyed. Isn’t Andrew’s “sad face” the best? He will make it on command when at home but he’s a bit too shy to show it off to others. That’s why the pictures are so special!



Today Jawan left the boys at home and went out!!!! She’ll learn NEVER to leave us ALONE!!!!! She also left behind her digital camera!!!!! Here are the dreaded results!!!!
This is Andrew with a sad face b/c Mom left — he didn’t know what fun we would have!

Here’s another sad face from Andrew.

Here’s a pic of Andrew & Dad highjacking Mom’s blog!

Finally, here’s Andrew thinking “Stealing Mom’s camera is FUN!!!!