Monthly Archives: June 2009

The Grits Cafe


I traveled two hours east last Friday to have dinner with my future sister-in-law. We dined at The Grits Cafe. Oh my goodness…..absolutely delicious! I’m no restaurant expert but this establishment has won me over. Don’t pass this southern delight by!

And they even give you flat after-dinner chocolate mints with their logo. Too cute.

Gone – but not forever


Our church has lost quite a number of people over the last month. Fortunately, they all left due to a physical move, whether is was a job change or new military orders. A sweet family of six moved to Oregon, another large family (five) moved to Wisconsin, a newly married couple moved to Germany (army), a good single friend moved to Virginia, and a young couple with a toddler moved to Washington state. I tear up when I realize that we might be losing another young (pregnant) couple in a few months (another army move) and then ANOTHER couple in the next year as they begin their seminary journey. Our nursery at church is dwindling!

I don’t like losing friends. I never know if I’ll ever lay eyes on them again or hug them once more. It’s almost a little scary because I want to stay in touch with all of these people but fear that we might lose contact. Darn that hectic pace of life! Hurray for Facebook! However, this is all very normal to us since we live in a heavily influenced military town. I know that this will continue to happen year after year and, for that, I am grateful.

I am grateful because God has blessed me with the friendships of some amazing women. They have encouraged me and shown me more about the love of God. The cross is evident in their life and I have seen the gospel permeate their heart. They have been shining examples of Christ to me as I’ve watched them be a mother to their children and a wife to their husband. It’s hard to see them go but it’s also joyous at the same time. How wonderful that they get to journey to a new place where they can be a new friend to someone else! How awesome that they can be discipled where ever they are and then turn around and do the same elsewhere.

Selfishly, I want them back, but I’m excited to see who God will bring to our church next. In the meantime, I need to buy several books of stamps.

Summer buzz cuts


It’s just hair….it will grow back (but will it be just as pretty and luxurious???? Oh, I hope so).

It’s summer time. As much as I LOVE their hair, they are happier when it’s cooler. Just another reminder that it’s not about me and my likes. They have been begging for these buzz cuts! The boys need all the help they can get in this 99 degree weather. Only six and a half more weeks til school starts back….I wonder how much it will grow in that time. I’ll be sure to take photos for an update in mid-August.

Andrew – BEFORE

Andrew – DURING

Andrew – AFTER



Luke – AFTER

7 quick takes


Many blogs participate in “7 Quick Takes Friday” but I decided I didn’t want to wait that long. If you want to read some really funny writing, you should visit my friend, Becky R’s, blog. Her quicktakes are the best.

1. Since we were on “vacation” last week, we weren’t in our own church this past Sunday. Both boys are used to sitting with us for 30 minutes during worship but they’ve never had to sit the full hour (sometimes longer, depending on who is preaching *ahem, Mitch*). They were so restless and all over the place. One moment I felt like a parental failure and the next moment I chalked it up to the simple fact that they are boys and it’s just harder for them to sit still. Case in point…behind us sat two four year old girls who colored, drew, and snuggled close to their dolls while the preacher preached. Well, that is unless my boys were distracting them by rolling on the floor, using their crayons as race cars, and making spitting noises.

2. Abigail is just two weeks shy of her second birthday. Last night, she climbed out of her crib. Looks like I’ll be purchasing some bed rails soon.

3. Rite Aid is the worst. They never have that ONE thing I want that’s in their weekly ad.

4. I took the kids outside to enjoy the sprinkler today but I decided not to tell them that’s what I had planned. Imagine their surprise and excitement when I told them they could play and get wet in their normal clothes in the 94 degree weather – in fact, I was so excited that I decided to join them! No kidding.

5. My brother is getting married in three weeks. My 33 year old brother is GETTING MARRIED! Can it be? Mitch is officiating and Andrew is the ring bearer. I get the honor of sitting next to my mother and sister while watching the bride and groom giggle and smile at each other. I can’t believe my little brother is gonna be a husband. Bless ya, Kristi.

6. I haven’t logged onto Facebook in eight days. Let me apologize to those of you who have invited me to become your friend. I’m not avoiding you, I promise. I do nothing on Facebook but Invite and Accept. My apologies to those who have sent me gifts and requests that I have IGNORED. It’s just not my thing.

7. I am trying to get a group of friends together to go on a white water rafting trip in August. Anyone wanna join me? Ok, I’m struggling to make seven quicktakes, I know.

Just not into it right now


I’m just not in the blogging mood right now. It might have something to do with the abundance of housework that never seems to end, or the fact that the pool and sprinkler call louder than my keyboard. Anyway, I’m either folding clothes, training a little one to use the potty, making a meal, running errands, playing on the slip-n-slide, or washing a car. Take your pick.

General Assembly so far


I wish I had my memory card with me now so I could upload some pictures of us here at Disney but I’m on public terminal in the exhibit hall and have been given only a brief moment alone while Mitch and my mom take the kiddos around the booths.

Mom and I just left a wonderful ladies function where we ate some yummy food and listened to Dr. Paul Tripp speak on living life with disappointment. Such a rich message. Probably my favorite part of our week thus far (besides getting some sun at the pool and sliding down the waterslide with Andrew). Thanks for your prayers!

We’re having a great time and are very excited about seeing Mickey tomorrow!