Monthly Archives: August 2008

Been thinking….


I’ve been doing some thinking lately (no snide remarks, Stuart).

Wanna know why I don’t like posting about politics? Because I know that I probably have friends who are voting for the person I’m not voting for.

Please understand that I’m not implying that you can’t support Obama and be a Christian. I believe there are many Christians who will be rallying behind Obama. I’m also not saying that someone must support X candidate if they are a Christian.

While I have conflicting ideas about what we should do in Iraq, how to reform education, the process of health care, and the deal-io about social security, I’m really conservative because of one issue and one issue alone. Abortion.

I am pro-life. I can not, and will not, vote for anyone who is pro-choice. I whole-heartedly believe that life begins at conception and that God designed each life long before it was even made. Therefore, I can’t vote for someone who values the mother’s choice over the life of a child.

I understand that there are reasons why other people support opposing parties but those reasons are certainly nothing to be divisive about or bring discord to friendships. I value relationships over the issues so I will always choose my friends over candidates.

Twisting Scripture

Ok, friends….I’m just getting started now. (Only kidding.)

Obama said these words in the closing of his acceptance speech Thursday night:

“At this moment, in this election, we must pledge once more to march into the future. Let us keep that promise, that American promise, and in the words of scripture hold firmly, without wavering, to the hope that we confess.”

I use the ESV version of the Bible. It translates Hebrews 10:23: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.”

What hope is Obama referring to? The hope that he’ll get elected? The hope that a democrat will be in the White House again? Clearly twisting scripture to fit into his charismatic language. Get a new speech writer.

I’d rather read this sermon by John Piper on the same passage, if I do say so myself. I’m loving this blog thing.

My favorite scrapbook blog & a new friend


Ok, I’m sure my readers are aware that I love, love, love to scrapbook pictures of my family and anything and EVERYTHING we do.

*ahem*…..Yes, Chrissy, I still remember your advice given to me in my hospital room right after Andrew was born: “You don’t have to take a picture of EVERYTHING, Jawan”. Believe it or not, that advice rings in my head every time I ask myself, “Should I get my camera for this? No, he’s just trimming his toenails for the first time…that’s no big deal. Oh my gosh, there’s blood everywhere! Why didn’t I grab my camera? Dang it, Chrissy!”.


I met someone famous this past Friday night! Don’t blush, AJ. How did I not know that a famous person lived in my very city and that I have probably bumped into her at the grocery store, Wal-Mart, or in ChickFilA? How famous, you ask? Well, her layout designs have been drooled over since she started scrapping at age three…just kidding. Seriously, this lady has had her work published in some MAJOR scrapbooking magazines. I just read her resume and I am in awe. I didn’t get alot of one on one time with AJ last night since she was being bombarded with autograph requests and consultations (just kidding) but I enjoyed our short conversations across the table from time to time. When I saw AJ walk toward my table and was told “who she was”, I joked with her that I was going to make a cubicle around myself so she couldn’t see my elementary layouts. She smiled and giggled humbly. AJ had nothing but praise to give to all those who hovered over her with their layout results. She’s the one that designs the layout template for the monthly scrap challenges for our local scrapbook shoppe so it makes me feel better to enter the challenge knowing the “master” isn’t eligible. HA!

I say all of this because I wanted to show you some of AJ’s work. I’ve added her blog as a link on the right hand side of my blog but you can quickly click here to see some of her recent stuff. AJ has recently been experimenting with digital scrapbooking but most of her blog contains scans of her handmade layouts (refer to her archives). You can also click on My Resume to read all of her scrapbooking publications and accomplishments.

My family tree


I stole this idea from Becky. I’ve been pondering about what words I’d include in mine and simply decided on my mom’s side of my family tree. You can make your own here.

If you click here, you can view screenshots of other people’s Wordles. I found it sad and humorous that an Obama fan had to omit the word “I” from Obama’s acceptance speech so that it wouldn’t dominate their Wordle. What happened to the word “we” and “our” when speaking to the voters? Now you know who I’m NOT voting for.

Said I’d never go there….


Gosh, I’ve already started this post twice and deleted it both times for fear of being judged or misread. Why is it that talking about politics is such a touchy subject? My two deleted drafts were much more in depth than this one but I decided against them. I was at a late night scrapbooking crop tonight and someone began expressing their opinion and love for one of the candidates. Internally, I cringed and wondered if the others around me where also hoping that the conversation wouldn’t turn violent hostile.

See, here’s where I really want to express my own opinion about the candidates and issues but I just don’t think my readers really care to know or want to read and see more of what’s already splattered all over their television. I guess I just don’t want this blog to turn into a political arena because it’s not what I intended it for (maybe I should follow the lead of a friend of mine and create a second blog just for political talk – on second thought, NO).

See, this is where I want to insert a link to a favorite blog of mine regarding the presidential candidates. But I shall not.