Monthly Archives: December 2005

3:00 a.m. conversation


While lying in the bed at 3:00 a.m. nursing Luke….

Jawan (groggy): “Mitch, where are you?”
Mitch: “I’m in the living room on the couch.”
Jawan: “Why?”
Mitch: “Because there wasn’t any room in the bed.”
Jawan: “Huh? Why?”
Mitch: “Because you kicked me out by scooting back more and more and I didn’t want to wake you up since you were sleeping so soundly.”

Isn’t my husband the greatest?!?!?!?!

Lyrics for my sons


It’s the day after Christmas and I have been able to spend some time with my two sons here at home, playing with toys on the floor and taking naps together. If you’ve never heard of Sara Groves or any of her music then I’d advise you to go to her website and listen to some of her lyrics. I’ve got a new favorite song written by her which is on her album entitled Station Wagon; Songs for Parents, named Prayers for This Child. I love Andrew and Luke so much that these words could have been written by me!

I do not know how I am to pray for this child
as a mother I don’t want my baby denied
but in the waiting in the waiting I learned
every instinct in me wants to shield him from pain

take the arrows of misery heartache and blame
but in the sorrow in the sorrow I learned to hold on

I only have two eyes – be all seeing
I only have two hands – be everywhere
I do not know enough – to be all knowing
I give this baby up into your care

I do not know how, how to pray for this child
I want to guard him from everything wicked and wild
but in the trial in the trial I learned to hold on
And in the trial, in the trial
I learned to hold on to the heart of God

Our first Christmas Eve as four


All four of us ventured out tonight for our joint Christmas Eve service with the other PCA church here in Columbus. How wonderful and amazing it is to gather together! What fun it is to delight in Christ by celebrating his birth. We worshipped by singing several hymns and hearing many passages from the Bible. Our voices were united as we recited the Apostles Creed, confessing our belief. Mitch joined with three other teaching elders in leading the service and my heart overflowed with joy as I thanked God for giving me such a God fearing husband. It is really special to have given birth to Luke during this holiday season. I gaze upon my children and wonder why it is that God has chosen to bless me so…..then I hear his voice say, “Because I love you and want to give you good things”. As we sang, I was moved by the thought of such a small baby whose birth and life was the greatest event ever. How sad that many then missed it and how few rejoiced. I think of the wise men who chose to go to the home of Mary and Joseph to worship Jesus instead of reporting back to King Herod. How brave and honorable! Of all the songs sung during this time of year, none speak to my heart quite like the lyrics of O Come, O Come, Emanuel:

O come, O come, Emanuel, and ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear. Rejoice, rejoice! Emanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan’s tyranny; From depths of hell Thy people save and give them victory o’er the grave. Rejoice, rejoice! Emanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer our spirits by Thine advent here; And drive away the shades of night, and pierce the clouds and bring us light. Rejoice, rejoice! Emanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Key of David, come, and open wide our heavenly home; Make safe the way that leads on high, and close the path to misery. Rejoice, rejoice! Emanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

My wonderful midwife, Courtney


I don’t think I would have made it through the labor, c-section, and hospital stay without the best midwife in the world. I know I’ve bragged about her before and I will continue to do so as she has been such a blessing to me. She takes care of me far beyond the walls of her office. I know I’m emotional and hormonal, but I want to take this time to thank you, Courtney…I love you.

Home & happy


After a long stay in the hospital, we have finally made it home. Boy, does it feel good! My recovery from the c-section is going great….the painkillers are working and I’ve been doing alot of walking, just like my midwife instructed. Since Luke’s jaundice levels were high, we had to stay one extra night in the hospital so they could keep an eye on it. Fortunately he hasn’t had to undergo the phototherapy light treatment. We’ll visit his pediatrician in the morning to have another test run. Andrew has had a difficult week. He’s loved being with his Gami, my mother, but he’s missed his Mommy and Daddy and is having a hard time dealing with the fact that I can’t pick him up or let him sit in my sore lap. I think he’s become quite attached to Mitch over the last few days and wants to go everywhere with him. He loves his baby brother and finds it interesting to point out his eyes, ears, nose, fingers and toes to us. My sister and her children plan to be here mid-week to celebrate and early Christmas with us so Andrew has alot of attention to look forward to.

I have two boys….wow. I still can’t believe that God has blessed me with such an amazing gift. Tears well up in my eyes and my heart overflows with thanksgiving when I gaze upon my precious children. God delights in giving us good things and I couldn’t ask for anything more. My little blond Andrew and brown headed Luke are treasures. Thank you, Father, for choosing me to be their mother. I pray that I will be diligent in teaching them your ways, your love, and your Gospel.

Luke has arrived!


I am on Mitch’s laptop typing this from my hospital bed while Luke is sleeping here next to me. Luke is not even 24 hours old yet. He was born last night at 6:50 p.m., weighing in at a healthy eight pounds, six ounces, and measuring 20-3/4 inches long. Unfortunately, I had to have a c-section due to Luke’s low heart rate and the cord being wrapped around his neck. He was distressed and not tolerating the contractions so they wheeled me down to the OR where I was strapped, cleaned, cut open, and stitched back up. Mitch looked so good in his white and blue scrubs. I’ll post pictures later of all the action so look for more details to come. I am thankful I was able to experience the initial stages of labor without having to be induced and I must admit that I actually have been able to enjoy this labor experience since the pain isn’t as great (seriously!). God is good.

Encouraging baby news!!!!!!


I went in to see Courtney, my midwife, today. Before she examined me, she told me that she already has a bed reserved and a spot saved for me at the hospital for Tuesday morning (a week from today). I was so excited to hear that! See, she’s going out of town for the holidays and is fearful she won’t get to deliver Luke so she’s inducing me three days before she leaves (one day before my due date). I absolutely love Courtney and am so glad she’s doing this for me. I couldn’t ask for a better caregiver. Now, after saying all that, she then examined me and found that I have progressed since last week (this is the part that the men just love to read about). I’m now 2 cm (I’ve been walking around at only 1 cm for quite some time now), his head has dropped, I’ve lost two pounds, and my cervix is extremely soft.

I wish that I could experience the actual bag breaking on it’s own with contractions strongly following, since I didn’t get that chance with Andrew either, but I’m VERY ready to have this baby! I’m so uncomfortable!