Monthly Archives: January 2008

Outside play


It’s cold outside! So cold that even Luke wanted to give a hug to Andrew (Luke hates being touched and is very non-affectionate so you better believe I took a picture when this happened).

Mitch teased me – “You just let her sit in the stroller and cry while you took pictures of her?”. Don’t you remember flipping through old photo albums and finding pictures of you crying? There. That’s what I thought. Guess you had a mean mama like me.

And finally, if only we could make our toy room into an ice rink then our boys would be the happiest on planet Earth. Andrew got his Atlanta Thrashers jersey for Christmas. Mitch took him to see them play a few weeks ago and all Andrew can remember are the huge brown (mascot) birds hanging near the Jumbo-tron shooting out fire every time they scored. Luke is catching up to the hockey fever. He got his Chicago Blackhawks jersey from a friend at church/school. They both want to wear their jerseys everyday! Convincing them that this is a bad idea isn’t working too well…however, now that I think about it, it would help cut down on the laundry. Hmmmm……

Teeth & Fingers


Even with a runny nose, Abigail is still a cutiepatootie! At almost seven months old, she’s finally cut her first tooth. Fingers in her mouth are very common for Abigail these days. She kept us up for two hours last night screaming in pain. My sweet husband went to Walgreens at 1:30 a.m. to get some Orajel for her. It was magic! She fell asleep as soon as he put it on her gums…Daddy is so smart.

Family Time


Saturday morning, the boys sat on the couch and read the story of Adam and Eve together, each from their own Bible. Daddy read aloud while Andrew followed along in The Big Picture Story Book Bible. Luke enjoyed looking at the large pictures of Adam and Eve walking through the garden.

To celebrate my brother’s birthday, he and his girlfriend drove down from Atlanta to have dinner and dessert with us. Below is my brother, Stuart, and his girlfriend, Autumn.

Andrew decided to try to cut Autumn’s hair. He used his medical scissors from his doctor’s kit. Maybe he’s performing brain surgery (not that Autumn needed it!). She was such a good sport.

Happy 32nd birthday, little brother. You’re old!

Oh, How He Loves You & Me


I can’t imagine what Rick and Sherri are going through. I hope I never have to go through the trial the Lord is taking them through right now. I am a huge fan of Rick’s show ( and have listened to it since I met Mitch, who introduced me to the duo. I just watched on YouTube what Rick said at his son’s funeral yesterday. Am I ready? My mind keeps racing back to Sherri, the mother. I weep for her.

I’m going to go kiss my sleeping babies right now.

Define: sleep & play


Cabin fever has struck our home. We are stuck inside due to the cold weather. I could let the boys bundle up and play outside but I have to time it just right and do it when the baby is taking a nap. Luke is still in need of a nap but he’s fighting it harder and harder each day. Moving him into his big boy bed has been tough on us all. He likes his new freedom but we are losing much sleep due to his new found “independence”. Mitch and I wake many times during the night to Luke staring at our faces, waiting for us to smell his breath, I guess. He only has two options: Return to his bed or sleep on the couch. For a while, the couch was his choice. Now, it’s neither. I got a total of one hour of sleep last night and that wasn’t even a consistent 60 minutes. A nap was on my “wish list” for this afternoon but a little one was awake while the other two slept, etc. There’s nothing like having the entire family awake at 4:30 a.m. Anyway, I found this website to help aid with my “inside” sanity. It offers activity ideas to do with your toddler/preschooler. Maybe you’ll find it helpful, too.

College roommate "DER"


During college at VSU, there were four of us in a two bedroom townhouse. We had the time of our lives! Heather (a.k.a. – Der) and I shared a room. I remember painting our nails in the bathroom one night during beach project in Daytona Beach, FL, when she told me that she could see herself married to Drew. She stated that long before he even started pursuing her! Even though she longed to be married and live with “Drewby” (hee hee, I just had to type his nickname!), she still had to live with me until they tied the knot. She asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding but it was to take place on the same day I graduated from college (she was a year behind me) so I had to say no because I really wanted to walk to get my degree.

We were such cheesy, giggly roommates. If one of us was out, the other would leave a lit candle in our bathroom next to the sink just so the other would know they were thought of and prayed for before going to bed. Not only is Heather one of my favorite people in the world but so is Drew. I remember coming home one night with a horrible toothache. Drew was over visiting with Heather and he noticed my intense pain. He insisted they take me to the Emergency Room. They both waited all night with me until I was finally seen. When it came time to give me a shot of some kind (I don’t know why a shot was given to me, much less in the buttock), Drew politely left the room while Heather held my hand as the nurse administered the medicine. Come to find out, I had an abscessed tooth that ended up being pulled the next day.

Now, Heather is pregnant with her fourth child and due in the spring. I am so glad I get to see her often since Valdosta is only a few minutes away from where my mother lives in Thomasville. She and Drew spent this past Saturday purging clothes and junk from their house so I decided to drive over and sit with her while she sorted through the many piles. I got to spend some time with her three little ones, Will Ramsey, Emma, and Anna. Below are a few pictures of us and their kids taken during our time together.

By the way, happy birthday, Mary! You, Heather, and Libby were the best college roommates God could have ever chosen to give me!

Amazing Grace


I drove to Valdosta today. I still knew my way around. Things have changed but Baytree, Jerry Jones Dr, Alden Ave, Remerton, and Gornto Road were still there, shooting me in the right direction. So many wonderful memories made in that city. I grew so close to Christ while there. I knew Him. He was my best friend. We talked everyday and I couldn’t wait to dig into His Word to find out more of who He was. He taught me MUCH about myself during those four years. I saw my dirty heart – my sin. I saw His blood, His death, His perfection, His love, His grace. It flowed over me. My heart was undivided. I could give Him all of me – I focused on being an excellent student to bring Him glory. I wanted to please Him and be a good steward of the years in college He blessed me with. As I drove away from Valdosta today, my heart was sad. No longer do I spend massive amounts of time in His Word everyday, not even every week. I long to do so but my heart is divided. Idols? Probably. Time with Mitch, time with the kids, time to myself, time to sleep, time to spend with friends, time to go to the gym, time to clean and “keep up appearances”. I long to be intimate with Christ again. It’s so hard – why? Even though my time with the Father looks different now, He doesn’t look upon me any differently. He still delights in me, still sings and dances over me, and still sees me as perfect – and He knows all the dirt on me. Now that’s amazing grace.

Waiting on Snow!?!?!


The girls & Luke are in Thomasville for the weekend.

Mitch & Andrew are at home watching for the snow.
Andrew is so excited!
The computer says to expect some snow.
The TV says heavy snow is coming!

So, Andrew watches…..

And waits…..

But, as of 3pm, only sadness (and incredible cuteness!) are in abundance: