Monthly Archives: April 2006

Our new house


Tonight is our first official night in the “new” house. It’s almost midnight and I’m staring at boxes of stuff sitting around me throughout the house. So much to do….glad that my mother is coming tomorrow for the weekend! Mitch and I had a neat time putting Andrew to bed tonight because, you see, it was not only his first night in his new bedroom but also his first night in the big bed with a bedrail as well as his first night sharing a room with his little brother. We feared it all might be too much transition at one time, but Andrew fared well. The monitor is on high so I can hear any little bit of movement before one wakes the other up. It’s so nice to be in a house and out of an apartment where you can hear everything. My friend Amber is also moving out of an apartment into a house with her husband and two boys. Amber, isn’t it wonderful? The only thing about moving that I hate is the cleaning up…especially scrubbing the refrigerator, floors, tubs, and sinks. Not to mention packing all the little items of things that don’t really have a place anywhere….that would be related to my “random piles” post a few weeks back. Well, here’s a picture of our cute little house with the HUGE fenced in backyard – Mitch almost came home with a Beagle puppy the other day since we now have a place for one. He knows that the kind of dog that I want. However, I don’t think a dog is a good idea right now so I’m glad he decided against it. Email me if you need our new address!

Remember this?


I sometimes think about my childhood and the funny memories I have. I wonder what memories Andrew is making now. Will he look back and laugh like I do? Why do we have to grow up?

What about you… these same memories?

1. a banana seat bicycle with a plastic basket that had flowers on it?
2. Love’s Baby Soft was the first “real” perfume you ever owned.
3. Holly Hobby sleeping bag, stationary, and wall hangings.
4. the electronic game, Simon.
5. homemade ribbon barrettes in every color imaginable.
6. you wanted your first kiss to take place in a roller rink
7. Strawberry Shortcake, Blueberry Muffin, & Huckleberry Pie.
8. metal lunchboxes
9. annual gathering around the TV for “The Wizard of Oz”
10. a magic eightball
11. Friendship pins on your shoelaces
12. Weekly Reader
13. Sit-n-Spin
14. Big Wheels
15. Shrinky Dinks
16. Judy Blume books
17. recording songs off the radio by holding up your tape recorder to the speaker
18. Little Debbie’s Star Crunches
19. Cookie Crisp
20. LA Gear
21. Wax on, wax off
22. Star Search
23. Miami Vice, Magnum PI, Fantasy Island, Love Boat, Growing Pains, Family Ties, Facts of Life, Moonlighting, Knight Rider, Different Strokes, Benson.
24. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off & The Breakfast Club
25. Atari
26. pegging the bottoms of your pants
27. wearing two different color socks to match your outfit.
28. Twisty-bead necklaces
29. leg warmers
30. banana clips, Wet-n-Wild makeup, scratch and sniff stickers
31. Pop Rocks with a Coke
32. Donkey Kong & Mario Brothers
33. snap bracelets and jelly shoes
34. Tiffany or Debbie Gibson
35. Member’s Only and the Izod alligator

Party til ya drop!


What seems like a weeklong birthday celebration is finally over. Don’t get me wrong….I’ve enjoyed the planning, preparing, and celebrating, but I’m pooped! Andrew welcomed many friends and family to his 2nd birthday party this past weekend. They created flower pictures from their handprints, played on the playground, ate lots of sweets, and went on an egg hunt. Here are a few pictures that I promised.

Glorious Easter


What a beautiful day of enjoying God’s unconditional love. The weather is warm, there’s a breeze outside and we were surrounded by our church Body as we gathered to celebrate the resurrection. We sang hymns in church; such deep and profound words that rang loud and strong….

In Christ Alone! – Who took on flesh;
Fullness of God in helpless babe!

This gift of love and righteousness,
scorned by the ones he came to save:

Till on that cross as Jesus died;
the wrath of God was satisfied.

For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live….

…And as He stands in victory,
sin’s curse has lost its grip on me;

For I am His, and He is mine;
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

A fun week


We’ve been having so much fun this week. At school, Andrew celebrated his birthday with his classmates during lunch by sharing cupcakes. Today he was able to go on an egg hunt at school and then, afterwards, we took him to see and hold some baby ducks. Birthday party is this weekend so there will certainly be more pics to come.

Went to the doctor

Today was Andrew’s turn for a well-checkup at Dr. Oliver’s office. Andrew loves visiting Dr. O but he hates the time with the nurses when they weigh him, check his height, and measure his head circumference. Today he did great….he didn’t even cry when they pricked his finger for an iron/hemoglobin check. Andrew won’t have to go back for another year, when he turns three. Luke, on the other hand, still has lots of shots to get since he’s still a wee one. As usual, my camera goes with me everywhere……

Dr. Oliver with Andrew and Luke

“Well, well, well….how you doin’?”