Monthly Archives: November 2009

Thanksgiving reflections…..sort of.


The weirdest thing that happened this Thanksgiving was that my daughter got bit by a goat. Yeah, a goat.

For the first time, I was the designated meat cooker for the McGinnis side of the family’s Thanksgiving feast. I think my ham was rather tasty, if I do say so myself. Glazing it was the most fun! I might just have to do it again next year.

I always enjoy hanging out at my in-laws house. I feel so relaxed every time I visit. Their furniture is very comfortable. Oh, and my brother-in-law makes me laugh.

I missed seeing my own brother and sister-in-law by 15 minutes. He and his wife only had a day to see both sides of the family, and….we were a little late. So, instead of embracing them and sitting down to converse, we called each other on our cell phones to determine exactly what spot of the highway we would pass one another so we could flash our lights and wave. I felt the love radiate from their Yukon across the median. That was a mighty fine wave!

When at Mom’s, it’s tradition that my sister and I gather all the recyclables in the house and take them to the sorting center. Antibacterial wipes are a staple in my car.

Shopping at the consignment store (with my mom and sister) brings me more joy than shopping for new clothes. It might have something to do with recycling.

Abigail slept with me both nights we were away. It was nice to snuggle with her, even if she was missing the hair and snoring fits.

I started to cut Mitch’s hair with the clippers while away but his hair was so thick that I couldn’t get it to cut past the front half of the top of his scalp. He had to done a baseball cap and journey to the nearest GREAT CLIPS to take care of the damage I caused. He looks handsome, mind you.

I am already disgusted at all the Christmas advertisements and commercials.

I managed to only take one day’s worth of photos while at Mom’s house. Unbelievable. The pictures will be posted soon…..when I get back to Mom’s house to get them off her desktop! Duh.

It’s 1:30 AM and I really should be in bed so my body and mind will be in a worshipful mode for church. So, goodnight!

Sara Groves new release


My favorite solo artist, Sara Groves, has just released her newest album, Fireflies and Songs. Amazing! Just reading about the album made me hunger to buy it on Amazon (for $5!). It’s the best purchase I’ve made this week! (hee hee)

…Even the unsuspecting listener will relate as the songs on this album unfold. It doesn’t take long to realize that a profoundly personal look at who Sara is and where she is in life includes a vivid invitation into her most important relationships. As early as Fireflies’ second song, “From This One Place,” you’ll pray with Sara as the melancholy beauty of her voice and ivory keys call out to God in response to tangible and recurring anxiety. The flowing, moody “Eyes Wide Open,” meanwhile, is both confessional and declarative as Sara begins, “I’ve got layers of lies that I don’t even know about yet,” and concludes, “When the lights come up on this town/When the thing goes down/… I wanna be telling the truth.” And her marriage? The gently pleading “It’s Me” is at once stark and reassuring as it paints a personal picture of the often polar push and pull couples experience as they pursue genuine relationship.

…while Sara is the first to confirm Fireflies & Songs is the “most her” musically, it’s also the singer’s most candid recording. “I tried not to teach on this album,” she explains. “And I’m a natural-born teacher. I turn everything into a lesson–for myself, for the people around me. That’s how I process my life, that’s how I learn. But I wanted Fireflies & Songs to feel more like friends and I are talking at Don Pablo’s over nachos and cheese. I’m trying to be more confessional, and I hope these songs encourage other people to live confessionally.”

Advent workshop


Our sons’ school celebrated Advent last Sunday after the church service and it was really quite special. I felt so undeserving to sit, watch, and listen to my children sing praises to the Lord Almighty. My prayer for my children is that they will know the Christmas season as a time when God sent his perfect son in the flesh to live on Earth, dwell among us, feel compassion toward us, and later willing die for us so that we wouldn’t have to live as slaves to our sin. That’s Christmas to me.

Glory to God in the highest!

10 Things to Remember When Your Child is Disobedient


It’s fall/Thanksgiving break which means that I’m at home everyday (thank you, Lord) with my three children. Because there’s no time apart from each other there have been more arguments than usual, creating many more moments to attack their hearts with the Truth.

Ruth Simons reminded me of the gospel this morning…and I ALWAYS need reminding.

1. You disobey the Lord…and He is the perfect Father.

2. His kindness leads us to repentance.

3. God disciplines those He loves.

4. Your child’s disobedience does not measure your value any more than his obedience showcases your achievement.

5. Your child’s disobedience teaches you dependence on God.

6. And sometimes it’s more than dependence He’s after, it’s complete desperation for Him.

7. Your child is clearly a sinner, and needs to hear the truth of the Gospel, and see it lived out through you.

8. Times of correction serve to remind, or establish within your child, his own sense of need for a Savior.

9. It’s not good behavior you really desire…you want his heart.

10. Your child is a person, not a project.

End of soccer


Soccer season has come to an end and now it’s time to take a break (yeah!). This was Andrew’s second season while it was Luke’s first. We think Andrew enjoyed soccer much more this year than last….and you could tell as you watched him play. He never stopped running the entire game and he scored MANY goals over their eight game schedule. When he scored, he would always lower his head and smile to the ground as he listened to the crowd clap and cheer for the team. I think he might have found his niche. I’m still in awe over how good he is on the field. But, more than his ability to learn and perform the game, I’m more proud when I see him help another, teammate or not, stand up after a hard fall. He’ll even disregard the play of ball to make sure the fallen is on their feet and ready to play.

NOTE: Please know that I’m not comparing my children….only seeing their sweet differences.

Luke acquired the nickname of “soccer landscaper” during the season. Instead of being aggressive and going after the ball, he spent most of his time picking the weeds, kicking the dirt, poking the ant mounds, and looking up at planes as they took off and landed at the nearby airport. When we cheered for him and yelled his name, he would take off running – in any direction! He kept a great attitude about it all, despite that he spent much of his time never touching the ball.