Monthly Archives: June 2011

Day 33

Can I just be a proud mommy for a moment?

Not because he won.

Not because he finished.

But because he enjoyed it….

Wow…..Andrew completed his first triathlon this past Saturday and he enjoyed it immensely! When he finished, he asked, “When can I do that again, Mama?”. Mitch “called it” and said Andrew was gonna fall in love with the sport.

Andrew said his favorite part of the race was the bike portion. As much as he rides his bike at home and swims every day of summer, I can’t say I was surprised that he did well in those legs but I was surprised that he placed first in both! His hardest portion was the running – it was the last of the three legs of the race…he was exhausted, I’m sure. I mean, who likes to run (hush, Davina!)?
We were super proud of him and we were super amazed to read the results that he won his age group! Way to go, Andrew!

Day 32


We hung out at Chrissy’s house this morning to allow our children to play together and to visit with her new baby boy. Andrew, Luke, and Abigail were intrigued. They constantly pray to have another sibling. I dunno……?????……..????????

After taking a quick swim in the pool this afternoon, we went to the church parking lot to give Andrew the opportunity to practice and train a little bit for his first youth triathlon that he’ll participate in (tomorrow!). In his age bracket, he’ll have to swim 50 meters, cycle 1.5 mile, and run .5 mile. We don’t care how well he does….we just want him to enjoy it and see if it’s something he would like to do more again. He might decide that he hates it and that’s fine with us, too!

While Andrew did a few practice runs, Luke roller-bladed and then worked on his robot.

Abigail rode her scooter wherever she found pavement.

Then, it was time to go home…can’t you tell? Look at that hair, that sweat, that stare!

My TOP 5 books and how they’ve impacted me

Becky tagged me in a recent post of hers and asked that I share the five most influential books I’ve ever read in my life (besides the Bible). All of the books mentioned below play (and still play) a major role in my theology today. By reading some of these books, my heart was changed and is still being softened today…..I need the daily reminder.

The Dangerous Duty of Delight, by John Piper – Simply put, this book – albeit it small and slim – worked mightily in my soul. It helped me to find joy and fulfillment in delighting in the Father. This book also changed my attitude toward worship and my purpose of living. I keep it on my nightstand.

Journey in God’s Sovereignty, by Richard Belcher – I read this book when I was a counselor at a camp the summer I graduated from college. I walked to get my diploma in the morning and, by nightfall, I was sleeping in a cabin with other female counselors who were there for the amazing summer for which God had prepared our hearts. I was eager to study God’s Word that summer but I was also struggling with my theology (not my salvation) and wanted an easy read. At the time, I didn’t know I was surrounded by reformed people who eventually put this book into my hands. It’s written in novel form which made it easy to follow and allowed me to imagine myself in the narrator’s shoes. MY LIFE CHANGED that summer.

Valley of Vision (Banner of Truth) – The impact on my heart of this collection of Puritan prayers and devotions has been humbling. I have seen the dirt in my life, the offense of my sin, and the ugliness of my heart as I’ve read this book….but God has also shown me the depth of his undeserving great love, his passion for my holiness, his pursuit of my soul, and the awesome gift of his precious son.

Then, Sovereign Grace Music recorded an album by the same title and, once you put music to powerful words, I can’t help but be moved to tears at the awful wonderings of my heart captured by His amazing love. This book points me to the cross.

The first prayer in the collection is the title of the album, The Valley of Vision.

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis – (I’m not stealing this from you, Becky! HA!) – There is no other book of fiction that makes me see Jesus more clearly. When I read the words spoken by Aslan, I tingle. Then, once the book was put to film, I would get chills when Aslan would make an appearance on the screen and speak. Who knew that a lion character would point me to Christ? Not to mention the conversion of C.S. Lewis to the faith – what an act of God!

While at camp that summer, Mr. Charles read a chapter each Friday night to the staff while we sat on his living room floor looking up at him in his reading chair. I enjoyed how he used various voices to portray different characters (my favorite was Mr. Beaver). He brought the book to life!

Evidence Not Seen, by Darlene Diebler Rose – I read this book my freshman year of college. I first heard Darlene’s story on the radio (Focus on the Family) and knew that I wanted more details…so I bought her book. Of all the missionaries that have served the Lord, it’s Darlene’s story that preached the gospel the loudest to me. She and her husband were taken as prisoners of war (WWII) when they were serving as missionaries in the jungle of New Guinea. They were separated into different camps and never saw each other again (he died while a prisoner and she died in 2004). I loved reading the stories of how God provided her bananas after so many maggot meals, the flashlight that worked for six years on the same batteries, the Bible that was never found during raids, and the Japanese official who showed compassion toward her in prison. I loan this book out all the time….wanna borrow it?

Day 31


One of the local theaters is showing older movies (Toy Story, Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, Aladdin, etc) every Thursday for only $1. We took our refill popcorn value bucket and filled up on the buttery good stuff while watching a fun movie together. The room was dark so I didn’t get a picture….but they all had a blast!

There are two young men in our church who belong to a wonderful family. These two guys pursue my boys by playing football, Frisbee, and baseball with them almost every Sunday night after small group. They called this morning to ask if Andrew could come over and hang out at their house for a little bit…..he ended up staying for 3.5 hours and came home with a HUGE smile on his face. I appreciate how they are mentoring him, even if they don’t call it that.

While Andrew was away, I took Abigail and Luke to the library.

They checked out some pretty funky music to listen to on the way home. Look at Luke jammin’!

I had a Target gift card to spend with only $10 on it. Know what exciting things I bought with it?….bread, milk, and fruit roll-ups. God is good!

Day 30


Mitch and I found out about Jeeah’s Hope late last year and decided that it was a ministry we wanted to support. Our friends who founded JH have already been to our church to speak about the history and mission of why they want to assist and support adoptive and foster care families in our area. Today, Mitch and I went to lunch with a state employee and three other couples who hope to be working with DFACS in relieving and assisting with foster children, families, and orphans. It is exciting to see how God is working. I will blog along the way as we interact with the state and see the fatherless be joined with their families.

Day 29

I woke with a headache that just wouldn’t go away (it’s been around 3 days long).

Jennifer and I took our kids swimming this morning. I spent most of that time with my head buried in my arms, debating if I wanted to call my dentist and hear the predictable answer.

Dropped Andrew off at art class with his friends. Wish I had taken a picture.

Finally succumbed and called my dentist…..took my kids with me. They were super sweet, both the kids and the dental staff. Yet, I’m in need of another root canal. At least the pain was explained and I wasn’t going coo-coo.

Root canal is scheduled for next week.

Got meds (free at Publix!) and went home to take a nap.

After kids went to bed, Mitch and I watched and were greatly intrigued by a documentary about the Amish teenage stage of life called the Rumspringa (National Geographic.). I’ve read lots about this time of life but it was neat to see it lived out on reality TV.

Now, it’s time for a Vicodin.