Monthly Archives: July 2011

Day 63


We spent all day Tuesday at Stone Mountain Park. We love this place! If you have never been, you should surely go. We highly recommend it – the staff are courteous and friendly and the service is superb. Our kids won’t stop talking about the Sky Hike and Yogi Bear Experience.

Driving the boat.

Sweating while playing a round of mini-golf.
She’s so serious about her putts.

Luke was a mad man on the high rock wall!
I was amazed that he went all the way to the top!

Top of the mountain.

A trio of quackers.

Abigail’s favorite part of the entire day was
her continuous ride down the zip line.

Over and over and over and over and…..

Day I Dunno

I think it was Day 62. I dunno…so tired….

Took the kids to the library to see a drummer.

Really cool.

That’s all.

Luke was invited to play an instrument
(it made a sound resembling a galloping horse).

Andrew played a rain stick and helped lead the audience
to make a thunderstorm with their voices.